Well decided that i needed to take a chill pill re when Harry goes in for his chemo, so had a leisurely start to the day and dropped Callum at nursery for ten. Harry wanted to say hello to everyone so we ended up staying for snack there too. Having found out there still wasn't a bed at 11am we did some shopping and visited the library and headed home for lunch. Eventually a bed became available and we hit ward 76 for 3.30. However, we had to wait for his bloods to be done and results through before chemo could start, why we hadn't been sent to the day unit earlier for them to do that I don't know. So Harry's chemo started about 7, which means, so I thought discharge would be 48 hours later, not so as Harry's HB is 6.8, which is low and so he needs a blood transfusion tagged on the end! So maybe he'll land in his own bed before midnight thurs!
The transfusion could have been under way if we had gone to the day unit, however not to be! At least he got a bed!
Harry has his own room, but not isolated as far as I know so at least he should get out into the playroom today. We went out for a walk on the corridors this eve, mainly to get my car parking permit from reception, but I also realised that I'd forgotten Harry's tigger and when I admitted this to him his face crumpled so we headed to A and E to ask a favour to have one of their free ones that the Freemasons donate. I know this as we have 3 bears already from
Previous hospital visits! They were very kind and this has succeeded in aiding Harry to get to sleep!
However, what has not helped is that Harry has started chemo late and for the initial phase involves chopping and changing bags of drugs, which also involves lots of beeping of his machine just before they end. This has made Harry unsettled! I am assured that by 12.30am his drugs will stay the same all night. So here's hoping!
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