Monday, 16 January 2012

monday 16th jan

Well, we have had a good weekend seeing old friends and their little ones. It was good to catch up. Sunday was rounded off by a children's party which Harry and Callum went to and Paul and myself got out for a curry with Mike and Dee. So after Friday's disappointment we have had some normality and fun!
Today we went to wacky warehouse for toddler special price time! Harry enjoyed going down the big slide, he seems to have overcome his fear of slides, which he seem to have until only a few months ago. Harry fractured his leg on a slide just prior to being 2, although young was never sure if this was linked?
Anyhow, no stopping him now, which is lovely.
We took Harry and Callum to Ilkley this afternoon for a short trip out in the cold, both boys went on their bikes, Callum is getting the hang of his balance bike, but loved it best when daddy pushed him with his feet up so he could go really fast!
Harry should be in hospital tomorrow, so as usual rang up this eve to see what time we are due in, to find out currently there are no spare beds! I had just spent a while explaining to Harry the plan of who was looking after him the next few days before bed and now maybe his chemo will be delayed! I have to ring tomorrow after the ward round to find out if anyone is fit enough to vacate a bed and if not his chemo will be delayed.
Friday when we visited to have his NG tube re fitted the ward had a lot of empty beds, but the nature of the beast is that children pick up infections and then need to be hospitalised to have Iv antibiotics, which last around 5 days, so the bed status can fluctuate dramatically. Must be a bed manager's nightmare!
So if Harry's chemo is delayed this will be a blow, as I have planned Callum's childcare and I am attending a training course at work thurs and Friday. It'll also cause a knock on effect for his final treatment on 27th, which is a Friday, when Callum is in nursery, so will prob be over the weekend he is admitted instead, when the playroom is shut and Callum has  no nursery.
I should chill out about it as nothing I can do and it's not life threatening, just annoying!

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