Sunday, 24 June 2012

sunday 24th June The Secret Millionaire

Just a reminder that The Secret Millionaire in which Harry will be in, is on tonight on channel 4 at 9pm not Monday as scheduled previously! Harry was filmed in relation to Little Heroes charity They provide toys for children on oncology wards to bring a smile to their face, they also provide grants to help families particularly when long stays in hospital are necessary for the treatment of the child. They are based inn Bradford. Harry was filmed opening a toy!

Harry is doing really well. He's off everything intravenously now. Though he's found it tough having food back in his gut and has been sick lots as a side effect. However last night he wasn't sick yey! He's also still needing blood transfusion every other day. His neutrophils vary, he is still neutropenic. They rose on Friday and we thought he may be let out on day release, but then they dropped, so alas still isolated.

Hopefully he will be discharged by next weekend though! He's begining to get fed up with the enclosed space!

1 comment:

  1. And it was well value it. I don't think I would have been able to understand even a part of what I did without this excellent group. Next, I analyzed for as many Secret Millionaire as I was able to fit in.
