Today Harry had to be in hospital for 7.30 am. We had planned for Harry to go in mon eve to avoid early get up etc. However the ward was full!
Well Harry was actually in fabulous spirits this morning and was racing around on arrival, prob much to the annoyance of those patients still sleeping! The play worker Tracy showed him what a Vas Cath was and where it would be inserted. He understood this and was ok about it. We went down to theatre for 9am and Harry raced down the corridors pulling faces at myself and the nurse. The anaesthetist in theatre was fab and made Harry laugh until he was put to sleep.
The procedure took about an hour.
By 11 am Harry was in a music session in the playroom beating a drum as loudly as he could!
I thought we would be home for lunchtime, but since Harry's counts showed that his stem cell count was ok and his white cell count was rising too, which apparently can cause a see saw effect and cause his stem cells to drop as a result. Yes I don't really understand it either, but what that meant was that they decided to harvest Harry's stem cells today.
At 6pm we found out the count was only 1.38 units. We need 4 units! He is going back tomorrow for more harvesting! So let there be a good harvest tomorrow. Then the gig at Tiger Tiger tomorrow night held by Paul's colleagues can be the harvest festival!
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