Well just to keep it short for now, but to keep people up to date. The results:
Harry has still got cancer in his bone marrow and so we can't move onto the next stage of treatment. Harry is now going to have a different chemotherapy treatment plan, lasting 6 weeks, with a whole set of retests after that. If the cancer has gone he can move onto the next stage, if not he can have 6 weeks more chemo. Harry arrived today well and had the second of his bone scans again without sedation, so well done Harry! We will get the bone scan results next week.
Harry had his bloods taken this am, but then had a reaction afterwards. He has kept his 'wigglies' in this week as his port would have been accessed every day this week, however it seems he has had a bug in his line, that was pushed into his blood stream when his lines were accessed this am. He spiked a temperature afterwards and so has to stay in hospital over the weekend to have a course of intravenous antibiotics. So Paul and can't even get any private time to discuss the results. We thought we had Harry's suitcase in thd car, but alas it's in the other car, so Paul has gone home to get it, then he'll stay in with Harry and I'll go home to look after Callum!
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