Well Happy Christmas to all who read this and thank you for all your thoughts and prayers over previous weeks. We are touched by how many people have Harry in their prayers.
Well Harry did not have a good night and not due to his excitement, but because he has a cold and seemed generally unwell. He has had a few bad nights, so I was thinking that this is how he was going last time his blood count dropped and he was quite anaemic. When he woke he seemed quite fragile and emotional. He enjoyed opening his presents, but I must admit both me and Paul thought here we go, Christmas at LGI. We contacted a nurse due anyway at 11.30am to come prepared to take his bloods. He did go to church in between as I thought a change of seen may improve his mood, however his dad had to pick him up half way through! On his return, and having set his scalextrics up he became much brighter!!!
When the nurse came she thought his bloods did not need taking as he had brightened up and to see how he is when a nurse visits tomorrow, which we agreed.
The trouble is we do not know, what is general tiredness and cold and what is a result of him being anaemic. Also he is not able to have calpol or ibuprofen whilst on chemotherapy as this can interfere with his white blood cells, or the ibuprofen does anyway, I think paracetomal is not given without higher authority for the risk it could mask a temperature and infection.
Anyhow, having stressed out this am and been really worried, Harry actually had a reasonable day and so did Callum.
Harry enjoyed starting to make his lego police station and Callum enjoyed trying to interfere!!!!
So we did manage Christmas day in our new house!
We cooked a lovely Christmas lunch and we are now about to catch up on some TV with a festive beer!
Yesterday we also had a good family day with my sister and brother in law and had lunch at my mum and dads.
Fingers crossed for a good boxing day. Hope the weather is nice and we can get out for a walk, otherwise the festive food, will mean losening the old belt!!!!
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